To whom do I owe the power behind my voice?, Commonweal, Philadelphia, PA
Curated by Tally de Orellana
January 13 - February 18, 2023
Including works by Natessa Amin, Dara Haskins, Olive Hayes, Olivia Jia, Amy Lee Ketchum, Dindga McCannon, Anne Minich, Nazanin Moghbeli, Naomi Momoh, Marta Sanchez, Symone Salib, and Suzanne Seesman.
“To whom do I owe the power behind my voice?” is a cross-generational survey of female Philadelphia artists that will take place at Commonweal from January 13th, 2023, through February 18th, 2023. It draws its title from, and takes as a point of departure, Audre Lorde’s opening question formulated in her 1982 bio -mythographical novel, Zami: A New Spelling of My Name. The show aims to reflect on notions of strength and selfhood while opening up to further dialogues on the experiences and individuals that have left an empowering imprint in one’s personal journey.
Individual artwork photographed by Tom Carter, courtesy of WORKPLACE, London.